Three Legal Questions About Adoptions

Adopting can be an excellent way for couples that want children but are unable to have them to get to experience parenthood. However, adoptions are highly complicated legal matters, which may make it worthwhile for you to be as informed as possible before you commit to starting this major process.

Is It Worth The Expense To Hire A Family Law Attorney For Your Adoption Proceedings?

One of the first things that you should do when you are considering adopting a child is to meet with an attorney like those at Caldwell Kennedy & Porter. These attorneys will have an intimate knowledge about the laws, regulations and procedures for adoptions, which will allow them to help you be as prepared as possible to go through this process. For example, these professionals will understand the attributes that adoption agencies are considering, which will help you to create a strong case for being a worthy adoptive parent. Additionally, your attorney will be able to review and prepare any necessary paperwork to ensure that it is legally sound.

Why Do Adoption Orders Have To Go Through The Court System?

During the final stages of the adoption process, you will need to go before a family law judge so that the adoption can be finalized and certified. While this is usually a fairly uneventful proceeding, there can be instances where the judge will deny your request to adopt the child. This can be done for a variety of reasons as the judge has discretion for ensuring that you are capable and ready to care for the child. If your request is denied, you will have the option to appeal the ruling of the judge. This will allow your case to be reviewed by an appellate judge to determine whether the original ruling was appropriate for the situation.

Can The Birth Parent Challenge Your Adoption?

There is a fear among some prospective adoptive parents that the birth parents will be able to return to challenge for custody of the child. While it is true that parents that place a child for adoption have a window of opportunity to reverse their decision, they can not legally act once this period of time has passed. Unfortunately, it can vary from one state to another, but it will typically be less than a few months. The adoption process is much longer than the legal limit on reversing placing a child for adoption. As a result, this is typically not an issue that you will need to be concerned about as you work through this process.
